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Just go to our contact us page, fill in your information there and the square  footage of the area you want treated and I'll get back to you ASAP! Thanks! Colin. 

Question 17: Isn’t this like cheating? I mean … people work hard and spend a lot of money to get a lawn that looks like this!

Well, let’s just say that there are three types of people. The “purists” … these are the folks who take pride in creating that perfect lawn, these folks want to spend the time, (a LOT) the money, (A LOT) and the effort (A LOT) to get that result. This is because they get great satisfaction as much from the process as in the final result.


The second type of person is someone who might be willing to spend the time, money and effort, but may not end up getting that perfect result that they're looking for, no matter how hard they try.  


Then there is the third type of folks who are on the other end of the spectrum … they just want a nice looking lawn for next to nothing in terms of money, time and effort.   


Of these three categories of people, only the purists might think of this as “cheating” … but if you were one of those people you wouldn’t even be on this site!  

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