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 "My houses sell 27% faster"


"I've been in real estate a long time and about eleven years ago I'd heard about this treatment. Heard it was pretty common in the states and that it really helped in terms of sales. Made sense to me because it's just another form of "staging".  Any agent who's successful knows how important curb appeal is to selling properties. Getting your lawn to look as good as possible is just another way to ramp up the curb appeal of the property. The problem was I could never find a reliable vendor for this treatment.   


It so happens that Colin was a client of mine and he'd mentioned a few years back that he was going to start a lawn care business. I knew how he took care of his place so I started out with a couple of properties to help him get started.  To be frank I figured it couldn't hurt since they these were really small properties with small lawns. On the contrary, because it dramatically increases a property's curb appeal I was very curious to see what would happen.  


Well, after using it on several properties over the course of a year, I made the decision to use it for all the properties I listed. However, the second year I didn't use it because I actually wanted to confirm if it made a difference from a sales point of view.  In the third year I used the service on all my properties again. Here's the interesting part.  


When I compared sales over those three years I came to the conclusion that this treatment alone had increased the speed at which my properties sold by an average of 27%!  This was in a period where everything else was equal. Interest rates, supply and demand, and the market in general were all comparable over those three years,  So the only thing that I could see that was different was the fact that I didn't use it in that second year.  So for me, this is a complete no brainer. Since then I've used GreenLawnRightNow on every single property that I list."  CB. Toronto.

Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

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